Sunday, April 15, 2007

This one is for Anniina:
The new job is very interesting and I am loving it ! My team books flights, hotels, cars etc. for religious and humanitarian organisations involved in missionary and relief work. Our customers include many churches, ministries and development organisations. The destinations are mainly in Africa and Asia and I better start reading my Atlas as I am not so good at African geography :) There are lot of new things I still have to learn, but I can finally use the huge flight route map inside my head. And it certainly helps, that I know so many airport 3-letter codes. The invoicing system is a bit complicated than the previous one I used, but I'll learn it. And it still is a blast every morning, when I open the reservation system (insert standing ovations for Amadeus here) and I'm so happy, that I do not have to work with "the-one-whose-name-we-do-not-mention"-system no longer.
My co-workers seem nice and I am sure I'll enjoy working with them. I know most of them from my previous job from Töölö and it was like getting home. I wont'be socializing with them after work as much as I did (and still do) with the "kids" from Kilroy, but that is ok. I have 35 co-workers (3 + me in my team) and it is fine with me. I do not like working in big organisations, when you do not know all the people.

So everything looks ok at the moment, but I still do not know, when you can come and pick me up from Newark. Couple of the women at work have noticed my super-cool Vans-slip on's and I've already got 2 Vans orders for their kids :) The black-out period for the BA flights is July 1st - August 15th, but I still haven't talked to my boss about my summer holiday, sorry !

1 comment:

Anniina said...

Thank you for the update!!!! I miss you dreadfully. You just give me 2 hrs notice, and I can be at Newark. You can come any time. I'll arrange the whole rest of my life around that, because nothing else is as important. Unless, of course, you wanna meet in Ireland instead. I just realized that unless we can rent a car with automatic gear shifts, we'll just have to take the train, because I can't drive a stick shift *shame*